About Tummy Tucks
Do you remember looking down and seeing a flatter, firmer stomach? How long ago has it been? Even if you eat right and get plenty of exercise, you still may not achieve your ideal abdominal appearance.
Tummy Tuck – Solution
Thankfully, women and men in Boca Raton can choose a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to recontour and slim the appearance of their stomachs. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that tightens abdominal muscles and removes loose skin and excess fat. Many people can benefit from abdominoplasty.
Boca Raton moms in particular often need a tummy tuck to restore their pre-pregnancy figure. In many cases, once abdominal muscles stretch out to accommodate a growing baby, they do not retighten naturally and this calls for a surgical procedure for a lasting correction.
When you request a FREE consultation with Dr. Steven Schuster or Dr. Daniel Kovacs, you can learn more about this popular cosmetic procedure. Both warm, caring plastic surgeons, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Kovacs will consider your individual needs carefully and help you understand your options.
More Information
At Schuster Plastic Surgery, we customize your procedure to meet your needs. Some people, particularly moms and people who have lost a great deal of weight, need a full tummy tuck to tighten abdominal muscles that have become stretched out and inelastic. Others may need a less invasive procedure to contour smaller areas of excess skin and fat. People from all walks of life have chosen abdominoplasty in Boca Raton.
Combination of Procedures
Tummy tucks can be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures. In fact, abdominoplasty is a popular part of many mommy makeovers to help moms get their body back on track. Mommy makeovers often combine surgeries in Boca Raton like a breast lift, breast augmentation or liposuction to achieve comprehensive improvement.
Let’s Get Started Today!
A tummy tuck can take between two to five hours to perform depending on the extent of needed improvement. Patients may need a full abdominoplasty or partial abdominoplasty in Boca Raton to achieve their ideal look.
- During a full abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision that extends from hip to hip. He then makes another incision around the umbilicus to reposition the belly button. Through the main incision, your surgeon can pull the abdominal muscles tight and remove excess skin and fat tissue.
- A partial tummy tuck requires a smaller incision and leaves the belly button in place. The focus is on removing excess skin and fat tissue with tightening the lower portion of the abdominal muscles. It is an ideal procedure for women and men who have fairly tight stomach muscles, but would like to remove smaller rolls of skin and fat.
During your consultation, Dr. Schuster or Dr. Kovacs will briefly examine your areas of concern and help you decide on the cosmetic treatment that will help you achieve satisfying results. After the recovery is complete, most of our South Florida plastic surgery patients feel more comfortable in clothing and bathing suits and more confident about their looks.
Even if you feel a bit self-conscious when you first come in, you’ll probably find your consultation to be comfortable and rewarding. We’ll take time to get to know you and learn about your lifestyle and make sure every one of your questions is answered. Here are a few common questions we get about abdominoplasty in Boca Raton.
How do I know if I need a tummy tuck or liposuction?
Many women and men come in for a consultation concerned about a flabby stomach appearance, but don’t know quite what’s needed to improve their look. The best way to determine if you need an abdominoplasty or liposuction in Boca Raton is to come in for a consultation where we can recommend the procedure that is right for you based on a personal examination.
Many women and men come in for a consultation concerned about a flabby stomach appearance, but don’t know quite what’s needed to improve their look. The best way to determine if you need an abdominoplasty or liposuction in Boca Raton is to come in for a consultation where we can recommend the procedure that is right for you based on a personal examination.
Does abdominoplasty leave a scar?
Practically all surgical procedures will leave some degree of scarring. We use proven plastic surgery methods to minimize the appearance of scars and, whenever possible during the Boca Raton tummy tucks we perform, make incisions where they will be easily concealed, such as beneath underwear or a swimsuit bottom.
Practically all surgical procedures will leave some degree of scarring. We use proven plastic surgery methods to minimize the appearance of scars and, whenever possible during the Boca Raton tummy tucks we perform, make incisions where they will be easily concealed, such as beneath underwear or a swimsuit bottom.
What if I want to improve the appearance of my stomach and my breasts?
After pregnancy or significant weight loss, many women are unhappy with both the appearance of their abdominal area and their breasts. Through a procedure that combines a tummy tuck and breast augmentation in Boca Raton, we are able to provide patients with a comprehensive makeover that helps them achieve their cosmetic goals.
After pregnancy or significant weight loss, many women are unhappy with both the appearance of their abdominal area and their breasts. Through a procedure that combines a tummy tuck and breast augmentation in Boca Raton, we are able to provide patients with a comprehensive makeover that helps them achieve their cosmetic goals.
To find out if a tummy tuck procedure is right for you, schedule your private consultation with Dr. Schuster or Dr. Kovacs and he will personally answer your questions. Call us at 561-912-9191 or use our online Request an Appointment form to schedule your appointment. Our tummy tuck patients come to us from Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Parkland, Delray Beach and adjacent areas.