The temperatures are rising and from the looks of it, the aesthetic trends for Summer 2019 is shaping up for smoking hot bodies and glowing youthful skin!
What can you do to make sure that you too are looking absolutely flawless this summer?
Check out the trendiest non-surgical and plastic surgery procedures you can get to enhance your natural beauty and make you shine this summer.
Botox and dermal filler are becoming increasingly more popular. If you haven’t heard of injectables party, you are in for a treat. These parties are a fun way for injectable newbies to learn more about age-defying treatments with Botox and dermal fillers.
Think of it like a party, but for women who love being on the cutting edge of the beauty industry.
How do Injectables Parties work?
A cosmetic doctor hosts and performs Botox procedures for your group of friends. Normally, it’s a small intimate group of close friends who want to look their best for a wedding, reunion or special occasion.
Because so many women are opening up and sharing their experience with these non-surgical cosmetic treatments, it is sparking the curiosity of their friends and family who otherwise may not have been interested.
In a lot of ways, injectables are the “first line of defense” for most cosmetic newbies because…
Injectables are quick and easy: Depending on the procedure, women sometimes have to dedicate a few weeks of recovery in order to start seeing their jaw-dropping results. On the other hand, injectables are quick and virtually painless procedures.
Many women love the ability to be able to slide in and out of the office on their lunch break without having to skip a beat.
Injectables are low risk: The innovation of modern science has made it possible for you to get a wide range of procedures to dramatically rejuvenate your look in minimally invasive ways. Injectables offer you the ability to considerably reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and add volume to strategic areas of the face to look your best.
Injectables are cost-effective: Remember the rules of supply and demand? Now that injectables are becoming more mainstream you can have spectacular results without breaking the bank. Botox and dermal fillers are popular not only because they are affordable, but also because they offer amazing results when performed by the right physician.
Injectables are on the rise. In fact, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS)’s annual survey revealed a startling statistic. In 2018 four-fifths of all procedures by facial plastic surgeons were “non- surgical procedures,” like injectables.
Have you been to an Injectables party yet? If not, it may be time to attend one yourself!
You will be the talk of the town, medispas are known to take great care of their Botox parties hosts. You can have a fashion-forward event for all of your girlfriends and even snag some goodies and extra discounts.
What are you waiting for?
The 90s were a brave new world for cosmetic surgery. Gossip blogs were constantly covering celebrities who had recently “gotten work done,” and the theme was “more is better.”
The 21st century is taking a remarkably different approach to cosmetic procedures than previous decades.
Now everyone is signing up for subtle.
Take breast enhancements for example. In the past bigger was almost always better. There were some extremist that were choosing extreme size jumps just to get the coveted hour glass shape.
Today, you see women opting for more “natural” looking breast enhancements.
This change in mentality is also affecting the way clients approach beauty for a variety of procedures.
More women are electing to maintain their natural beauty and what makes them unique. All they are looking for are small tweaks to restore their youthful looks.
Many argue this change in perception is in response to the popularization of social media apps like Instagram and Snap Chat.
That’s right, while millennials are the dominating force on social media, their influence on the entire beauty industry is changing the “face of perfection”.
As social media influencers and celebs far and wide prepare for the summer, they are documenting their beauty regimens and sharing secrets that used to be only for industry insiders. Viewers get to go on gym sessions, clothing hauls, Botox runs… you name it!
While sharing their summer body prep many women are getting to see firsthand the many benefits of adding medispa treatments into your beauty routine. Women are realizing that a preventive approach to keeping your body young and vibrant is a holistic approach.
If you want to start seeing results this summer, craft a beach body journey that incorporates a clean diet, an active lifestyle, and a consultation with your local medspa.
Traditionally, when we think of cosmetic surgery we think about “fixing” something about ourselves that we just don’t like.
For example, unwanted belly fat and deep-set wrinkles that have a way of chipping away at our self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is normally the next logical step.
However, what if you discovered that plastic surgery doesn’t have to be “a fix.”
Imagine a world where you could stop wrinkles and early signs of ageing before they start. What would you do if you had the power to freeze time so you could look your best forever?
It might sound like a fantasy, but more and more women are turning to non-surgical cosmetic procedures as a way of preventing issues with ageing or weight gain before they become larger and require more costly and time-consuming fixes.
Remember the AAFPRS’s annual survey? More patients are signing up for non-surgical cosmetic procedures or injectables as a preventative treatment; cosmetic doctors have seen a 72 per cent increase!
Summer 2019 is here!
Before you know it Summer will be another distant memory. Luckily there’s still time to make this your best summer yet with the best of aesthetic trends for summer 2019. This year, take advantage of all of the new treatments and procedures on the market to get you looking younger and fitter faster.