2019 has been a breakout year for new trends in beauty; and the aesthetic industry is about to get a facelift!
Have you heard the news? One of the hottest products to hit the market this year is making waves far and wide.
Do you want the scoop on the latest non-surgical wrinkle relaxer? Then you need to know about Jeuveau!
Stick with us, we’ll cover all of the details of the newest player to hit the cosmetic industry, that is generating tons of buzz.
Jeuveau is slated to be the newest addition to the market for wrinkle reduction.
Let’s talk science for a second. In the scientific community Jeuveau goes by a much longer and complicated name, prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs. Quite a mouthful, right?
Jeuveau is a potent neurotoxin. It is FDA-approved to treat moderate to severe glabellar lines, the muscles on the face that cause frown lines.
Jeuveau has been getting a lot of media attention after the news broke earlier this year. According to beauty experts, Evolus, Inc, Jeuveau’s parent company is primed to take the market by storm.
Industry insiders attended the Evolus’ long anticipated “Investor Day” back in early May to learn how the company plans to market and grow.
It was announced that Evolus, Inc. created an enrollment program called Jeuveau™ Experience Treatment (J.E.T) and it has caught on like wildfire.
According to Evolus CEO, David Moatazedi, “In three weeks, more than 3,000 accounts enrolled in the J.E.T. program, and two-out-of-three patients switched from the market leading toxin when they enrolled in J.E.T.”
Jeuveau is already gaining a lot of attention from beauty gurus and fashionistas across the US.
From what we know their current marketing successes are merely the tip of the iceburg projected to secure Jeuveau as the #2 option.
There are other companies that have produced neurotoxins to reduce the appearance of fine lines and moderate to deep wrinkles on the skin. Neuromodulators have been the household name and staple for wrinkle reduction for decades.
So, what’s changed now? What makes Jeauveau so different from other injectables?
Evolus has a bright and innovative management team that dares to push the boundaries of the beauty industry in order to give buyers what they need at a fair and competitive price. Moatazedi has announced they have decided to revolutionize the injectable industry.
Many men and women admit that they are curious about injectables for younger more vibrant looking skin, but something big stops them.
Evolus, just might have the solution for beauty budgeters. They have announced they are planning to market Jeauveau at a premium. That means that Jeauveau clients can save as much as 20-30% on the hottest injectable in the nation.
How can Jeauveau manage to slice their prices for their consumers? Without getting too far into the legal weeds, it has to do with its original purpose. Basically, when the Evolus team decided to make Jeuveau, they wanted it to be used strictly for cosmetic purposes. While that might not sound revolutionary, some argue that this key distinction is what allows Jeauveau to offer massive savings to consumers.
Jeauveu’s only market is for the cosmetic industry. Neurotoxins were originally created was for the medical industry to treat strabismus (i.e., crossed eyes)!
Evolus essentially did not have to go through extensive and expensive vetting process as other neurotoxins when formulating Jeauveau.
Since proof already exists that neurotoxins can be used to reduce wrinkles, the scrutiny, testing, scientific studies, needed to approve Jeuveau was minimal in comparison. This helped Evolus reduce cost drastically and as a result, they have decided to pass on the savings to you.
If you’re ready for vibrant youthful skin without breaking the bank, then you need to check out Jeauveu.
Excellent Marketing #NEWTOX: Evolus’ is planning on revolutionizing the way it markets injectables. That one key factor just may be the ticket to their success.
You see Evolus plans on interacting with potential clients and consumers directly with a strong and vibrant social media presence.
Get ready for #NEWTOX to show up all over your social media platforms and creating viral content starting July 2019.
According to the investors meeting, #NEWTOX is going to be a game-changer. It’s an edgy and stylish social media campaign that is targeted at young millennials.
Since when did injectables start becoming popular with the under 30 crowd, you might ask?
Well, there is another recent trend in the cosmetic beauty industry. Younger and younger men and women are beginning to use injectables as a way to prevent wrinkles from forming.
If millennials want to stop wrinkles before they start, then Evolus positioning itself as the trendy affordable option.
#NEWTOX is even rumored to offer multiple customer incentives to subscribers like a $75 coupon and an app.
It’s clear that NEWTOX is making incredibly deliberate changes to shake up the injectable market and revamp the beauty industry. Lower costs mean that more men and women can access safe affordable options for younger-looking skin.
Whether you are an injectable newbie or not, you must admit that it’s easy to get caught up in the all of the Jeuveau hype.
The thought of having the convenience of ordering younger-looking skin through an app on your smart phone was inconceivable when neurotoxins were first launched in 2002.
All we have to say is, keep checking in. Jeuveau is set to roll out at select cosmetic offices, like ours, nationwide in the Spring and Summer.